All tagged Postpartum Depression

Redeeming Love - Being Real With God In The Fire

My sweet sister in Christ, if we can’t be vulnerable with our Creator, then we never have the chance for redemption. And His story of redemption is better than any best selling book. Postpartum depression was not my fault, and that was a lie God helped me wrestle through. But my reaction to it, my heart’s stance was something I had to own. Allowing my life to be run by the overwhelming emotion of being upset with God for making me this way, was a sin I had to confess.

Grace took over and His lavishing love saved me. In the final weeks of my pregnancy, God placed these verses on my heart, unaware that they would become my heart song during this journey.

Don't Be Ashamed to Fall - Battling Giants

Maybe you’re like me, it takes God bringing you to your knees to begin to understand that the holes in your heart you are filling with fleeting things will never fully satisfy you. For the first time I am embracing this season. Instead of praying for God to move the mountain I am asking him to help me climb it. Depression is a battle that strikes the depths of the soul.

My World Of Extremes - Recovering From Postpartum Depression/Rage

“I live in a world of extremes,” I blindsided my husband the other day withy my world shattering epiphany. He stood there in stunned silence, part of him wanted to do a celebratory dance of this revelation that he’s lived with for years and the other just wanted to embrace me in a long, much needed, hug. He knew that for me this was a huge breakthrough. I had finally seen the truth and just maybe it would start to set me free. My anger can come like the quick bolt of lightning flashing across a dark sky, there and then gone.